Five Cataclysms Core Rules Beta Edition
A set of rules that should be at least vaguely familiar to anyone who's played The World's Original Fantasy Role-Playing Game, this is the set of tweaks, extra systems, and rulings that have made up the authors' home games for the past five years.
Product includes:
Lightweight core rules
Fighters that don't suck
Extra Classes for people who like options
The three core classes for people who want a purer experience
An optional skill system that will make you say "Hey, it's an okay skill system" (for once)
System for improving the backwater frontier starting town
Hallow and Corruption as an alternate to alignment
Summoning rules for Angels, Demons, and more
Unique Magic Item creation rules, proven to create statues of pie-loving celebrities that kill everyone in a 120 foot radius
A Fey Demense Generator that creates fantastical realms to travel through, such as: The realm of one elf fighting a dwarf over three eggs
The much beloved spell "Might"
The less beloved spell "Mystical Flan"
Trust in you; the Player/Referee
Printable Handouts for Classes, Core Rules, Spellbooks, and Character Sheets
A Request, no, Demand that you share your troubles with the system with us so we can tell you that you're wrong
Core Rules PDF, Quick Reference Player Handouts, Quick Reference Mage and Cleric Spellbooks